This example assumes a scene will be created in an external DCC software such as Blender and imported into Unity.
This sort of import process is recommended to some capacity since the camera from the render and the one for characters and dynamic elements need to have the same transform and properties.
In this example, we will use a pre-existing simple blender scene, rendered at 640480
Once rendered, we can import into Unity the important bits of this scene that will contribute to the scene. For example:
In this case, we export the scene removing all cluttering and reducing the arches subdivision count.
Create an empty scene. It should contain a MainCamera and a Directional Light.
Add the player character MouseWarrior from the Prefabs folder
Add your exported model (the one exported from blender) to the Scene
Before tweaking the model scale, ensure your scene has a uniform scale of 1. You might need to reexport the file from the DCC program to apply a proper scaling.
Also check the camera inside your model has a scale of 1. By default Blender exports with a scale of 100. Select FBX Units Scale in the export settins to solve this