Make sure you import the package and a new ThirdPerson folder is now inside Assets/HorrorEngine/AddOns.
HECorePrefabs is a file that allows you to define elements to replace from the template. Allowing customization for your game (e.g. The Main Character, UI screens, camera, …).
If you don’t have a custom HECorePrefabs you can use the included one with this package to get things working straight away with a 3rd person camera.
Just assign the asset HECorePrefabsThirdPerson on the HECore in your scene.
<aside> ⚠️ Ideally you’ll want to create your own HEcore prefab variant and use that in your scenes instead or these changes could be ovewritten with future updates
If you already had a custom HECorePrefabs file because you are using your own character or replaced any UI, please check the following:
Weapons are setup to setup to work similarly to RE game faking its vertical aiming to some extent for fixed cameras.
With a 3rd person camera we don’t want that. So make sure you change the VerticalityFactor to 1 on all your weapon prefabs. (Changing it here on the Gun prefab as an example)